Source- The Daily Show Website
Motivation- They felt the need to talk about this
issue because the 1070 immigration law wasn't correct; it was misinterpreted by
“The law, portions of which were struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court
on Monday, required that state law enforcement officers try to determine
someone's immigration status when officers had reasonable suspicion the person
was an illegal immigrant.” (Truth-stretching about Arizona Immigration Law,
Logic- The news report shows us, the viewers that
the 1070 immigration law will be enforced. Police officers cannot just assume
someone is an immigrant and deport them, there has to be a reason why police
officers stop immigrants and ask for their legal papers.
Left Out- I feel that everything was in there that
needed to be, there wasn't really anything confusing as to weather or not
something was missing or needed to be added.
Truth, False or Truthiness: Truth
Truth, False or Truthiness: Truth